SAP Security - Infrastructure - Risk management

Why security matters – and how you can keep your SAP systems safe

Keeping your platforms secure has become more complex over the years. Instead of on-premise systems which were easily walled-off, we now have to consider hybrid platforms, distributed over multiple cloud solutions to support innovation and BYOD policies to support remote working with any device from anywhere. This requires a new way of thinking: zero trust security. Wait, what?

The importance of the zero trust security model

Zero trust security means you should never assume your systems are completely safe. Gone are the days of simply setting up a firewall, focusing on perimeter defenses only and relying too much on implicit trust.

Modern data security solutions should be embedded in every system and consist of multiple layers. Security is risk management: it’s all about spotting the weakest parts of your defence, and building up safeguards to protect the entire system. The best way to do that is by taking security into consideration from the get-go – when designing and implementing your SAP platforms.

How to protect your SAP systems

Of course, firewalls are still a viable security measure that should be implemented as part of your defences. But you should also take other risks and solutions into account, such as:

  • disk encryption – by encrypting the disks that store your SAP data, you are protected against physical theft.
  • database encryption – encrypting your database provides protection against unauthorised users or admins with bad intentions.
  • governance – in addition to hackers, unassuming employees are also viable security threats. That’s why you should specify user and team roles, making sure each has their own designated tasks and restricted access. Watch over approval flows and user authorisation, preferably as early as possible during the design and implementation of your SAP environment.
  • security policies – set an expiration date on passwords, build in enough requirements for password strength and use multifactor authentication where possible.
  • centralisation of the authentication process – by opting for single sign-on (SSO), you avoid an overabundance of passwords and ensure that no one is tempted in keeping a written record of them. Moreover you have a central point for control.
  • segmentation – make sure your SAP system is installed in a secluded domain with restricted network access. Also make sure to restrict access to the admin account to keep your SAP system protected within your safe cloud environment as well.

Why layered security matters: the debit card example

Strong security measures work together to protect your data. The more measures you implement, the better that protection will be. Take a debit card for example: only protected by a measly 4-number PIN, right? Wrong. To actually steal money from you, thieves would also need a physical device (your actual card) and get the code right within 3 attempts, or else your card is blocked. And even if they should succeed, there’s a limit to how much they can withdraw. Put together, all these measures provide sufficient protection. The same principle applies to your SAP environment: layered security is always best!

Flexso – a reliable end-to-end security partner

As part of the Cronos group, Flexso is uniquely equipped to help you tackle your security needs from end to end on both a functional and a technical level. And even though we’re SAP experts, we can assist you on a hyperscaling level as well, thanks to the know-how of our Cronos colleagues at Arxus.

The first step? A security assessment to identify the weakest links in your current setup and the ways to fortify them. Flexso’s approach and skilled experts guarantee maximum security for your organisation!

Want to make sure your SAP environment is as secure as possible?

Request your security assessment today!

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