Results (119)

The need for speed with e-commerce

Did you know that, during the first COVID19 lockdown, e-commerce companies saw up to 300% increases in orders online? The rise of commerce is more than just a quick response to this pandemic. It’s a channel that companies can no longer ignore, whether you are in B2C or B2B.

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Tinder for researchers: how AI helps optimize the grant application process

To add intelligence to your business processes: that’s the mission of Flexso Digital. In line with that mission, we developed a pioneering solution that combines SAP Intelligent Technologies capabilities like AI and natural language processing (NLP) to help researchers quickly find the right funding opportunities.

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SAP ERP: why some companies keep their feet on the ground

Across the wide world of SAP, moving to the cloud is the defining feature. Organisations are paying close attention to this trend and are routinely transitioning their IT landscapes, both apps and infrastructures, to the cloud – but some are not. Why do some organisations choose to keep their infrastructures on premise and in house? Our Flexso expert explains the phenomenon.

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The 5 steps to successful master data management

Every organisation has to manage an ever-increasing amount of data. Suppliers, customers, products, HR… every aspect of your business has its own datasets, all requiring regular updates. And of course, they need to work together to boost your business as well.

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Business transformation

A new S/4HANA cloud ERP system, a digital supply chain, innovative applications: digitization gives you a head start. But is your business ready to take the leap?

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