Integration suite start 1

Tirez le meilleur parti de SAP Cloud Integration (CI) et de SAP Integration Suite

Mettez-vous en place SAP Integration Suite dans le cadre d’un projet de mise en œuvre en mode « logiciel en tant que service » (SaaS) ? Ou souhaitez-vous le déployer en tant que plateforme de middleware d’intégration d’entreprise ? Quel que soit votre scénario, il est essentiel de bien configurer cette puissante plateforme pour en tirer pleinement profit. Lisez la suite pour découvrir comment Flexso peut vous aider à réussir dès le début.

Pour de nombreuses entreprises, SAP Integration Suite (aussi connu sous le nom de « CPI ») devient incontournable dans leur paysage système. Les solutions cloud SAP, par ligne de métier, comme SAP Sales Cloud, SAP SuccessFactors et SAP Concur, nécessitent souvent l’utilisation de l'Integration Suite pour communiquer avec d'autres systèmes, tels que SAP S/4HANA, ou, dans certains cas, avec des solutions non-SAP, comme Salesforce.

Pour vous aider à configurer la plateforme sans encombre, nous appliquons un processus simple en 3 étapes, conçu pour vous permettre d’optimiser l’évolutivité de votre plateforme.


Vous pouvez lire la suite de l'article en anglais.

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This stage is all about getting the platform ready for the project. We set up the platform, connectivity, infrastructure, security…, while keeping your team involved in an agile way. This ensures they become equipped to handle any future changes without needing help from an external party.

Starting from an existing middleware solution such as PI/PO, Bizztalk…? Check out our Flexso Migration Factory here!


As the famous quote goes: “A fool with a tool is still a fool.” Developing robust integration landscapes is more than simply setting up a tool. It is also about governance, change management and structuring IT processes.

At this stage we will help you to embed the SAP Integration Suite in your existing IT governance processes. Some of the key steps in this phase are:

  • Setting up an integration design approach with the right people, specification templates, …
  • Adopting the SAP ISA-M integration methodology
  • Building up a library of reusable integration assets
  • Testing (including automated testing), transport, and release management
  • Monitoring, logging & alerting

Looking for help or advice on how to set up your integration landscape the right way?

Get in touch!


Now it’s time to equip your team with the skills they will need to build integrations on the platform and become an “Integration Suite Center of Excellence”. We provide the necessary product training with hands-on exercises, development guidelines, best practices, naming conventions, etc. Theory and a handy helicopter view are important, but since practice makes perfect, the trainings are packed with hands-on exercises.

To set you off on the right track, we work together when building the first scenarios. Using pair programming, the initial integration flows are co-developed in short incremental sprints. Our sprint review meetings feature interactive code reviews supported by senior experts with hands-on support. Lessons learned are shared directly in the group allowing the team to become autonomous and self-supporting in no time.

Peace of mind

Afterwards you are ready to go your own way and become an “Integration Suite Center of Excellence”. But no worries: if there is any issue you cannot solve, we are still there to help you.

Our Application Managed Services (AMS) team will support you in the best way possible, also for SAP Integration Suite. This way you can tap into a local team of 25+ integration suite experts, all eager to solve the issues you report in our ticketing tool!

Integration suite start 2

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