SAP IBP aligning supply and demand

SAP Integrated Business Planning: aligning supply and demand

Uncertainty in demand, high service expectations, faster delivery times… supply chain management is becoming increasingly complex. By digitizing and connecting everything, SAP Integrated Business Planning helps you align supply and demand. The result? You can prioritize certain production lines, ease planning, and adjust your operations to changing market needs.

How to get started

SAP IBP allows you to make strategic and operational data-driven decisions in all aspects of your supply chain. Luckily, you don’t have to go it alone: Flexso helps you get started with the innovative tool. How you do this depends on the solutions you have in place already.

  • Don’t have a SCM solution yet? Consider moving to IBP and S/4HANA, with Sales and Operations planning as a possible starting point.
  • Do you have a light SCM solution? Start moving to mature IBP solutions and consider additional IBP innovations.
  • Already have an advanced SCM solution? Investigate the IBP innovations’ evolving potential to enrich your current model and use a roadmap to gradually replace your existing solutions.

Eager to know how the innovative tool works? Read our blog on SAP IBP’s key features.

The Flexso way

There’s no doubt that SAP IBP is the go-forward solution for supply chain management. Flexso will guide you in three steps.

Image IBP roadmap

Build an IBP roadmap

By assessing your current supply chain solutions and your targets, we uncover how SAP IBP can help you reach your goals. Our dedicated team will gladly assist you with building your supply chain roadmap to draw out the path towards your future IBP solution.

Validate the way forward with a proof of concept

Not ready to invest heavily in an IBP solution? No problem. We can build a PoC on the Flexso IBP system that allows you to assess the solution for your specific business challenges. This way, you can discover and understand the possibilities offered by the tool and determine your path forward with minimum implementation effort.

Implement, guided by our experienced team

Once you’ve decided to implement SAP IBP, Flexso will help you with every step of the process, from discovery to deployment. Our team combines many years of experience in Supply Chain Management projects and has extensive knowledge in Cloud Integration, Cloud Identity, S/4HANA, SAP ECC and SAP SCM. We want to share this expertise with you, to help you both set up IBP and get the most out of it moving forward.

Above all, we adapt the IBP implementation to your specific business needs to deliver an impeccable, on-time project. You can count on us: we’re your partner on the road to better supply chain management.

Are you ready to kick off with SAP Integrated Business Planning?

Explore how Flexso Accelerators for SAP IBP – qualified by SAP – help shorten the time to value of your implementation at a fixed price.

Discover our Accelerator

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