A 360° customer overview at Arteco

Today’s consumers expect a quick, fluid experience when they interact with companies – making a single source of customer truth ever more crucial. With this in mind, Arteco Coolants, a leading global player in engine coolants and heat transfer fluids, had a bold ambition: to digitise their entire customer services process and take efficiency to the next level along the way.

Arteco Service Cloud

Supporting over 300 organizations from all over the world, the team members of Arteco’s Customer Service Department have their work cut out for them. While their email-based communications system had been their most faithful companion for years, it started needing maintenance as their customer base kept growing and customer expectations skyrocketed.

That’s why Arteco decided to launch a “Next-Generation Customer Experience” project in 2020. The objective: super seamless communication channels and smooth processes to ensure effective collaboration and, as a result, outstanding customer services.

The company:

  • Name: Arteco Coolants
  • Domain: engine coolants, heat transfer liquids, coolants for electronics
  • 750 delivery points worldwide
  • 350 customers worldwide

The challenge:

Enabling a 360-degree overview of all customer/contact interactions for customer sales agents, touchpoints, and departments.

Arteco chemicals2 service management

Wanted: global overview of customer service tasks

To identify opportunities for optimisation and improvement, department leaders first explored the processes that involve touchpoints with customers.

"During this process, we discovered a number of areas for improvement, not only in the customer service team but also in other departments that impact data transfer into customer service,” says Benedicte Heireman, Customer Service Manager at Arteco.

Arteco understood, for example, they needed a high-level view of customer service tasks, in order to determine priority actions to take. “It was clear to us that a global overview – that integrated with our existing ERP system – was the way forward,” asserts Benedicte. And as for the right tool for the job, Arteco chose SAP Service Cloud, and Flexso as implementation partner.

Giving the customer service team more time for service

Right in line with expectations, the new system went live in May 2022, thanks to Flexso’s SAP Activate methodology, which enables rapid changeover. Arteco’s customer service agents are reaping the first fruits already: they save substantial time on administration and follow-ups and have smooth access to all the data they need.

In addition to the direct benefits offered by SAP Service Cloud, Arteco also gained crucial knowledge of its own internal ways of working in practice, including previously unidentified efficiency improvements to tackle in the future.

Reaping the rewards of SAP Service Cloud implementation + ERP integration:

  • A 360-degree, real-time overview of each contact across all touchpoints for all customer service agents
  • 20,000 fewer e-mails and counting
  • A futureproof system that serves as the foundation for Arteco’s digitalisation roadmap
  • Better backup capabilities
  • Continuous optimisation via Flexso’s managed services

Eyes peeled for future opportunities

Speaking of the future, Arteco leadership have been inspired by this implementation experience. As the solution matures, they plan to increasingly use its flexible reporting capabilities and work to involve other departments in the Service Cloud system that would also benefit from it, such as the sales team.

Benedicte: “And of course, we are keeping a watchful eye on user adoption in order to ensure that the cohesive way of working sticks.”

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Find out how we can help you transform your customer experience!

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