SAP Release Management Cloud releases Flexso

Bleiben Sie am Puls jedes SAP-Cloud-Produktrelease

Alle drei bis sechs Monate bekommen die Cloud-Lösungen von SAP ein gründliches Update, um Ihre IT-Umgebung in Topform zu halten. Gespannt auf die Neuerungen in den jüngsten Releases von SAP S/4HANA Cloud, SuccessFactors, SAC, IPB und mehr? Und Sie fragen sich, wie Sie das Maximum aus diesen Innovationen holen können? Unsere Experten tun nichts lieber, als ihre Erkenntnisse in schnellen und deutlichen Videos mit Ihnen zu teilen. Sie gehen lieber in die Tiefe? Lesen Sie weiter!


Der vollständige Artikel ist auf Englisch verfügbar.

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Highlights? Check our SAP release pages (+videos)

As soon as SAP releases an update of a cloud solution, our experts explore and test the new version, selecting the features that are most relevant and useful for our customers. 
Watch their short release videos and discover what’s new:

SAP S 4 HANA Release


What does the latest release of SAP’s next-gen cloud ERP solution have in store?

Discover more
SAP Success Factors Release

SAP SuccessFactors

Check what’s new in your trusted and innovative SAP HXM solution in the cloud.

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SAP Analytics Cloud Release

SAP Analytics Cloud

Take a closer look at the most interesting new features in SAP’s cloud planning solution.

Discover more
SAP Sales Cloud Emarsys Release

SAP Sales Cloud V2 & Emarsys

Discover the latest features in your SAP CRM and Marketing automation solution.

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SAP IBP Release


Get up to speed with the latest innovations in your digital supply chain planning module.

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SAP Build Release

SAP Build

Explore new updates and useful features in SAP’s suite of low-code and pro-code solutions.

Discover more

Always-on SAP support and innovation? Go Managed Services

Did you know that ever more Flexso customers are turning to our team to discuss interesting new features as soon as a new release is out? As Flexso Managed Services clients, they receive dedicated, continuous support to maximize the value of their SAP solutions. That includes maintenance and management of SAP applications, of course, but equally discussing how new releases can bring added value to their organization.

Are you a Flexso Managed Services customer? Never hesitate to ask your customer service manager about the latest SAP updates.

If you’re new to Managed Services, contact us today to discover how we can keep your SAP landscape in top shape.

Prefer a deep dive? Talk to our team! 

Pioneering with SAP technology - that’s what we love most at Flexso. So, if you need insights or inspiration on the latest innovations and product updates, get in touch. Our experts will be excited to help.